Random Acts of Crazy by Julia Kent
I never intended to pick up a naked hitchhiker wearing nothing but a guitar. A guitar. Really. I don't collect guys like that (don't ask what kind of guys I do collect), but when you spot a blonde, tanned, sculpted man with a gorgeous smile and his thumb poking up and practically begging you to stop – you stop.
And I definitely never thought I'd be staring into the bright blue eyes of Trevor Connor, the lead singer for Random Acts of Crazy, an indie rock star I followed like the slobbering fileshare fangirl I am. How he came to be nude and lost six hundred miles from home is quite the tale, but how we fell in love is even more unreal.
Because someone like Trevor Connor, headed to Harvard Law next year, isn't supposed to want someone like me, a rural Ohio chick majoring in Boredom at Convenience Store University who is all curves and frizzy blonde hair and manners so unpolished they have sharp edges that make you bleed.
But he did.
When his best friend, Joe Ross, the bass player for Random Acts of Crazy and a man who makes Calvin Klein models look like Shrek, drove eleven hours through the night to rescue him, though, it got real complicated. It's one thing to like two different guys and be torn.
What do you do, though, when maybe – just maybe – you don't have to choose?
As my Aunt Josie says sometimes, "It's always complicated."
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"Missing" scene - Newspaper article about Trevor
Hockenfield Times, May 3, 2013
Hockenfield, Mass.
By Janet Simkin
Naked Man Steals Chicken, Evades Local
Hockenfield Police Chief Bart Jansen has
issued an alert for a white male, early twenties, with blonde hair and blue
eyes who stole a chicken from farmer Mike Kemper's coop this morning at approximately
2:33 a.m. The man is completely naked and while unarmed, is concerned a
potential threat to public safety.
“I heard rustling and figured it was a fox,”
Kemper explained to local reporter Janet Simkin. “Instead, I got an eyeful.
Naked guy, young, wearing a collar around his neck like a dog. And a guitar.
Nothing else. He kept calling my laying hen 'Mavis' and hollered he was eloping
with her.'”
After a brief scuffle, during which the
chicken scratched him, Kemper let go. The man shouted, “I wasted my only
answered prayer!” and fled.
Kemper called 911 immediately, though the
cruiser was delayed as the operator struggled to understand the nature of the
call, but local police answered within eleven minutes.
Too late.
“The suspect escaped on foot with the
alleged stolen chicken under his arm, headed for the Mass Pike,” said Police
Chief Jansen. Concerned citizens with any information are advised to contact
the Hockenfield Police at our non-emergency number at 413-554-1000, and
travelers on I-90 should not, as always, pick up naked hitchhikers by the side
of the road.”
About the Author
Julia Kent turned to writing romance novels after learning that she could not work as a fighter pilot because her fear of flying disqualified her. Turning to her second love, she became a dog groomer, but had to abandon that job after adopting too many strays. Writing about very real, very flawed people is a natural extension of her life and, well, her. She lives on the east coast with her partner, two small children, seventeen dogs that weigh less than fifteen pounds each, and a monthly consumption of Nutella, brie and french bread that makes cardiologists cringe.
She is originally from Ohio.
She loves to hear from her readers by email at jkentauthor@gmail.com, on Twitter @jkentauthor, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/
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