Iris Dancy’s free-spirited mum has left for Tunisia, her dad’s rarely
sober and her brother’s determined to fight anyone with a pair of fists.
When a family of travellers move into the overgrown paddock overnight,
her dad looks set to finally lose it. Gypsies are parasites he says, but Iris
is intrigued. As her dad plans to evict the travelling family, Iris makes
friends with their teenage son. Trick Deran is a bare knuckle boxer who says
he’s done with fighting, but is he telling the truth?
When tools go missing from the shed, the travellers are the first
suspects. Iris’s brother, Sam, warns her to stay away from Trick; he’s
dangerous, but Iris can no longer blindly follow her brother’s advice. He’s got
secrets of his own, and she’s not sure he can be trusted himself.
Infinite Sky is a family story about betrayal and
loyalty, and love.
Having seen for myself the destructive and messy after
effects of traveller camps I was hesitant to read Infinite Sky. I didn’t want
to let my feelings get in the way of reading and reviewing the book. But that’s
the thing with good stories – you don’t just see something or someone from a
distance, where it’s easier to make snap decisions and judgements. Instead you
delve into people’s lives and see why they are the way they are, with all their
happiness, hurt and emotional scarring.
A big underlying theme of the story was prejudice. One
day this travelling family turn up on the paddock behind Iris’ family home. I
could completely understand why her dad was furious. Nappies, tyres and rubbish
started filling the paddock, and you just knew it would be left behind for
someone else to clean up. And I admit, I hated that the travelling family
didn’t care about littering, trespassing and lying. But through Iris’ eyes, and
her growing curiosity and fondness for the family, especially for Trick, I
understood why she was drawn to their family unity and freedom.
Iris was a wonderful girl. On the verge of becoming a
young woman she still held onto her sense of self, adventure and being
carefree. She didn’t cover herself in makeup or fashionable clothes, and I
liked that she wasn’t perfectly manicured and preened. She would run around the
fields and enjoy nature and life. She was such a beautiful individual, stuck in
a horrible situation. And for that I’m sorry to say I resented her mother.
Another big theme was loyalty versus love. After
befriending the lovely Trick, Iris ended up in this horrible position stuck in
the middle between her brother and Trick. Her brother Sam was obviously deeply
affected by their mother leaving and abandoning him, and after falling in with
a bad crowd, his anger towards his mother started seeping out towards the
travellers and Trick. It was sad to see the change in him, especially as Trick
was a really lovely, caring and considerate young boy. Both boys seemed to find
themselves in situations that they didn’t necessarily want to be in, and poor
Iris felt like she was betraying her family by being with Trick.
I loved C.J.’s writing. The story was full of those
little details and thoughts that make a story feel so colourful and real. You
got right under Iris’ skin to understand what was going on her in life and in
her mind. And she didn’t have the easiest life, trying to cope with her mother
leaving her and her brother behind to travel around Tunisia and rediscover
herself. Add this to her father’s drinking and the travellers that have set up
camp in the paddock by their house, and you can imagine what might ensue. The
story was infused with feelings of peacefulness and bliss that you get on a
perfect clear blue sky kind of summer day, but also tension, anger, confusion,
guilt and pain. The story wasn’t what I expected; it was so much more, so much
better, full of heartbreak and happiness.
Infinite Sky is an emotional rollercoaster ride of
love, hate, loyalty and prejudice. A quick summer must-read.
Try it for yourself! Goodreads | Amazon UK
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