Bookish Treasures is currently closed for review requests and is not doing any new posts at this time.

Bookish Treasures Relaunch - With Giveaway!

25 Oct 2015
Hello! As you have likely noticed (unless you are new here, in which case, welcome!) there have only been a few incredibly infrequent posts on Bookish Treasures for a while now. The past few months (in fact the past year +) have been very busy for me and recently culminated in completing an MA in Publishing, moving to London, and starting my first full time job at a traditional publishing company.

It is incredibly exciting to now be living in the heart of bookish England and, after a few months, I have started to find my feet and get settled enough to feel like I can pick up blogging again. Things will be changing slightly from how they used to be, but expect lots of recommendations, discussion posts, reviews, and posts from both authors and other industry professionals. Coming up soon is an interview with my all time favourite author!

If you want to get involved with Bookish Treasures in some way then please get in touch. Authors, assistants, publicists etc. please do read my authors/publishers page before contacting me about any potential reviews or features as my policies have changed slightly.

In celebration of finally being back and blogging again, I have two giveaways that will be running for the next month, one big one for UK residents and one that is open internationally so that non UK-ers don't have to be left out.

UK Giveaway

One surprise box of books and swag (mainly YA's). Now the contents are a surprise partially because I haven't decided exactly what will be included yet! However I promise that it will be awesome: think multiple books, some of which will be signed, and some fun swag.

Due to shipping costs, this giveaway is open to those with a UK postal address only, however I have an international giveaway further down!

International Giveaway

One book of your choice up to a value of $10 from the book depository.

Winners for both giveaways will be selected in late November and prizes will be sent out in early December.